Eisuke SukoFlower artist
Flowers reflect life.
Flowers are beautiful
It is beauty with an end, and because there is an end flowers will try to bloom.
I see the stem of a plant as the path to accomplishment, and the flower as the shining moment of life.
Furthermore, by focusing on the stems that reveal character and story, I create works that allow the viewer to see life blossom and to reflect on past lives.
Artist spot
live performanceアーティストスポットライブパフォーマンス
A live performance that took four and a half minutes to complete. The colors used for the flowers were fire red for Kumamoto, green for nature, blue for water, and yellow for people. Cherry blossom branches are arranged since spring is coming, and also because they are a symbol of peace.
- LocationKumamoto castle hall
- Date2022.02.28
- ThemePeace
International centre
special live event国際交流会館スペシャルライブイベント
A 15-minute live performance intertwined with a Flower and Greenery Exposition. It was created as inspired by the atmosphere of the event. As the day was Mother’s Day, pink and red flowers were used. The flowing curves represent the path of life, and the bamboo knots represent the milestones of life.
- LocationKumamoto international centre
- Date2022.05.08
- ThemeMother’s day
event exhibitionトヨタイベント展示
The event featured a collaboration between the TOYOTA Kumamon Car and flowers, as well as flower workshops for men and women of every age. In the workshop, participants created flower arrangements large enough to be placed in drink holders, which were visited by people of all ages.
- Date2022.07.30-2020.07.31
- Theme-
Artisan and work職人と作品
ZENのオープンに合わせて制作した作品。下から伸びる職人の手は木の幹を表しており、職人とその鍛錬の結晶を表現している。苔は、長い時間をかけてむす。そのことから、時間の奥行きをコケで表現し、suko eisukeのテーマフラワーの一つであるグロリオサを使用した。
This work was created for the opening of ZEN. The craftsman’s hand extending from below represents the trunk of a tree, expressing the craftsman and the fruits of his forging. Moss takes a long time to form. Therefore, the depth of time is expressed by moss, and gloriosa, one of Eisuke Suko’s theme flowers, was used.
- Locationatelier
- Date2022.02.07
- ThemeArtisan and work
7th anniversary solo live7周年ワンマンライブ
- LocationKengun Culture Hall
- Date2023.08.10
- Theme
Eisuke SukoFlower artist
Eisuke Suko entered the world of flowers at the age of 23. Through the experience of being exposed to many flowers, he was captivated by the charm of flowers. Plants can play a leading role or a supporting role, and always send out messages from their hearts. Sensing their messages and qualities, he hopes to weave together hearts and minds by conveying the charm of beautiful flowers and plants that symbolize life and express the progress of life.
- 1989
- 熊本県生まれBorn in Kumamoto, Japan
- 2016
- 花屋はな輔開業Opened Hanasuke flower shop
- アートヒューマンフェスタ2016に出展し、会場装飾を担当Exhibited at Art Human Festa 2016, in charge of decorating the venue
- 「島フェス」にて、流木アートモニュメント制作Flower shop HCreated driftwood art monuments at “Island Festa”ansuke open
- 熊本日日新聞「お正月花飾り」のデザインを担当Designed “New Year flower decoration” for Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun newspaper
- 2017
- イオンモールくまもと&サントリー様によるクレア全館オープン記念モニュメントの装飾担当In charge of decorating the monument to commemorate the opening of all Clare buildings by AEON MALL Kumamoto & Suntory
- URBAN RESEARCH COCOSA店オープンに伴うグリーン装飾を担当In charge of green decoration for the opening of URBAN RESEARCH COCOSA store
- アパートリノベーションプロジェクト「グリーンの壁」を制作Created “Green Wall” for apartment renovation project
- 俳優 高橋克典さんの花を担当In charge of flowers for actor Katsunori Takahashi
- アートヒューマンフェスタ2017に選抜され出店と会場装飾を担当する。Selected for Art Human Festa 2017, in charge of opening a stall and decorating the venue
- 2018
- パラリンピック、パラアイスホッケー日本代表の歓迎花を担当In charge of welcoming flowers for Paralympics and Para Ice Hockey Japan
- 千葉ロッテマリーンズのお花を担当In charge of flowers for Chiba Lotte Marines
- 2019
- GOLD’S GYM店内デザイン装飾担当In charge of GOLD’S GYM store interior design and decoration
- Top Athlete Clob LARKSオブジェクト装飾担当In charge of object decoration for Top Athlete Clob LARKS
- 全国の花屋初、ふるさと納税の返礼品に選ばれるFirst florist in Japan to be selected for Hometown Tax Donation Program
- KUMAMOTO BMW フラワー装飾を担当In charge of floral decoration for KUMAMOTO BMW
- セカンドサイトにてフラワーパフォーマンスFlower performance at the second site
- 俳優『高良健吾』さんの花を担当In charge of flowers for actor Kengo Kora
- 女子ハンドボール世界選手権大会にてメイン会場オブジェクトデザイン装飾担当Designed and decorated the main venue for the Women’s Handball World Championships
- 2020
- 30歳の立志式『第八回三益式』ステージデザイン装飾担当Designed and decorated the stage for the “8th Mimasu Ceremony”, a coming-of-age ceremony for 30-year-old
- 熊本市よりアーティスト認定証書授与Received a certification as an artist from Kumamoto City
- 2021
- 熊本市アーティストPR映像のデザイン装飾を担当Designed and decorated the promotional video for Kumamoto City Artists
- 株式会社HANASUKE設立Established HANASUKE Co.
- 2022
- 熊本市の企画による熊本城メインホールステージにてフラワーパフォーマンス披露。Flower performance on the main hall stage of Kumamoto Castle, organized by Kumamoto City.
- くまもと花と緑の博覧会メイン会場にてTOYOTA様とタイアップ。くまモンカー花屋にて展示出店。Collaboration with TOYOTA at the main venue of Kumamoto Flower and Greenery Exposition. Exhibited at Kumamon Car Flower Shop.
- くまもと花と緑の博覧会、熊本動植物園ステージにてフラワーデモンストレーションを披露。Flower demonstration at Kumamoto Zoo and Botanical Gardena, Kumamoto Flower and Greenery Exposition.
- 日本赤十字病院の入社式の花を担当。In charge of flowers for the entrance ceremony of the Japanese Red Cross Hospital.
- 熊本国際交流会館ステージにて花生けパフォーマンス披露Flower arrangement performance on the stage of Kumamoto International Center.
- 花と緑の博覧会での活躍として、熊本市から感謝状をいただきました。Received a letter of appreciation from Kumamoto City for activities at the Kumamoto Flower and Greenery Exposition.
- サッポロビールCM用の妻夫木聡さんの花を担当。In charge of flowers for Satoshi Tsumabuki for Sapporo Beer commercial.
- サッポロビールCM用のJUDY AND MARY YUKIさんの花を担当。In charge of flowers for JUDY AND MARY YUKI for Sapporo Beer commercial.
- オートポリスにてTOYOTA様とタイアップ。くまモンカー花屋にて展示出店。Collaboration with TOYOTA at Autopolis. Exhibited at the Kumamon Car Flower Shop.
- オートポリスにてTOYOTA様とタイアップ。フラワー講師担当。Collaboration with TOYOTA at Autopolis. Took charge of flower instructor.
- TOYOTA 豊田章男 社長の花を担当。In charge of flowers for Akio Toyota, the president of TOYOTA.
- 2023
- 老舗アントルメ菓樹にて正規販売店として販売開始。Started selling as an official retailer at the long-established Entremet Kaju.
- TKU【かたらんね】にてお花の妖精さんとして出演。Appeared as a flower fairy in TKU [Kataranne].
- オートポリスにてTOYOTA様とタイアップ。くまモンカー花屋にて展示出店。Tie-up with TOYOTA at Autopolis. Exhibition stall at Kuma Monkar Flower Shop.
- オートポリスにてTOYOTA様とタイアップ。フラワー講師担当。Tie-up with TOYOTA at Autopolis. In charge of flower lecturer.
- TOYOTA CEO『佐藤恒治』様の花を担当。In charge of flowers for TOYOTA CEO Tsuneharu Sato.
- TOYOTA CEO『佐藤恒治』様と対談。Talk with TOYOTA CEO Tsuneharu Sato.
- Yahoo!ニュースにてTOYOTA CEO『佐藤恒治』様との対談の様子を紹介される。A conversation with TOYOTA CEO Tsuneharu Sato was featured on Yahoo! News.
- LINEニュースにてTOYOTA CEO『佐藤恒治』様との対談の様子を紹介される。A conversation with TOYOTA CEO Tsuneharu Sato was introduced on LINE News.
- Car WathcにてTOYOTA CEO『佐藤恒治』様との対談の様子を紹介される。A conversation with TOYOTA CEO Tsuneharu Sato was introduced at Car Wathc.
- テレビ朝日 報道ステーションの元キャスター『富川悠太』様ご来店。Yuta Tomikawa, former anchor of TV Asahi News Station, visited our store.
- KKT テレビタミン 元アナウンサー『本橋 馨』様ご来店。Former KKT Televitamin announcer "Kaoru Motohashi" visited us.
- 7周年記念ワンマンライブを開催。Held a one-man live to commemorate the 7th anniversary.
- 2024
- Mercedes-Benz熊本開所式の装飾デザイン担当。In charge of decoration design for Mercedes-Benz Kumamoto opening ceremony.
- Mercedes-Benz日本株式会社の花を担当。In charge of flowers for Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd.
- 済生会熊本病院 様 未来連携フォーラムにて花生けパフォーマンスを披露いたしました。We performed a flower arranging performance at Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital's Future Collaboration Forum.
- POPOLOーSQUARE(多目的スペース)を上通へOPEN。POPOLO-SQUARE (multipurpose space) opens in Kamidori.
- RKKラジオ『村上美香のヒトコト』へ出演させていただきました。I appeared on RKK Radio's ``Mika Murakami's Hitokoto''.
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